The 5 best games that have Black Friday discounts on iPad and iPhone

By , on November 25, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 3 months ago

Okay so we might have found other things we could do with our money yesterday, but now we're going to have a look at the very best games you can get for dirt cheap on the App Store right now. Because that seemed like a good idea, I guess.

There are lots of games on sale, as you might expect. But I'm not the sort that's going to give you an exhaustive list. I'm the sort that's going to cherry pick the games he likes and then tell you why you should definitely spend some money on. If you must.

Therefore, without further ado or hesitation, here are the five games that, if you don't have them already, you should definitely be spending money on this Black Friday. Peace.

Out There

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A dark and gloomy wander through space that often ends in death. And when I say often I mean almost always. Because space is massive and cold and everything there isn't so much trying to kill you as is entirely indifferent to your existence one way or another.

That might make the whole thing sound miserable, but there's humour here too. And exploration. And weird alien races to try and talk to. And awesome spaceships to find and fly to distant destinations. Just bear in mind you're definitely going to run out of oxygen and suffocate at some point.

Don't Starve

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The clue's in the title with this one. It's a roguelike survive-'em-up that sees you wandering around a weird land trying to find the things you need to not die. Like food, shelter, and light.

There are massive monsters and strange creatures to deal with. It's an unforgiving world though, and you're likely going to let the game's title down on multiple occasions. But you'll still get back up and jump back in because the game is a lot of fun.

Geometry Wars 3

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A gorgeous blaster that takes what made the first two Geo Wars so good and then puts it into the third dimension. And this iOS port works really, really well. I mean seriously, it's ace.

Lots of neon shapes to destroy, plenty of different modes to try and master, and leaderboards to work your way up. Plus the price drop on this one is massive. So get it and be happy okay?

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions

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A massive, hugely deep tactical JRPG that might not be the newest grape in the bunch, but is almost certainly one of the tastiest. Especially if you like to think through your fights rather than just rush in.

If you've been avoiding this one because of the cost then now is the perfect time to pick it up. Because it's cheaper than it is usually. I remember playing this on the Gameboy Advance. That's how old I am.

Infinity Blade 3

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I really like the Infinity Blade games. They're one of the best examples of how to transpose an action adventure on to mobile. They don't lose any of the spark, they just put the spark in different places.

Sure the third one in the series might be a little overblown and full of gumph compared to the super sharp and pared back original, but it's cheaper than a cup of coffee. So just give it a try and cut some big monsters to pieces.