4 non-Final Fantasy mobile RPGs that you need to play right now

By , on November 29, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 2 months ago

The impact of the Final Fantasy series really can’t be diminished. But let’s not kid ourselves that it’s the only kid on the block. In fact on mobile the whole series is a bit on the expensive side.

So with that in mind I thought I’d put together a list of other RPGs that are also worth your attention. I mean, that’s pretty much my job after all, telling you good things that you should go and play.

And these are all games that you can only play on mobile. So no ports, no reimaginations, just games that were built from the ground up to fit in your pocket. The way all good games should be built.

Here is that list, in all of its glory. If you’ve got your own suggestions to add, and I’m sure that you do, then that’s pretty much exactly what the comments section is designed for. So, y’know, start saying stuff.


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This one sits closer to the Zelda end of the RPG tradition. And when I say that I mean if the main character was wearing a green jumper it could well be a Zelda game.

But it’s still a massive and luscious adventure full of great ideas that works wonderfully on mobile. It’s deep and accessible at the same time, and it looks utterly lovely.

Sure it might not have the full on swagger of a triple A console RPG, but who cares about that? Oceanhorn is bright, beautiful, and just waiting for you to run around its blue sky-saturated worlds.

Wayward Souls

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If Oceanhorn is all brightness and light, Wayward Souls is all dingy dungeons and slaughter. It’s a superhard roguelike with RPG tendencies that rolls along with all the vigour of a boulder.

Don’t let the cute-ish graphics fool you, this is one incredibly difficult game. It will kill you over and over and over and over.

But if you like your RPGs with a distinctly action flavour, then this is one that’s well worth checking out. Just make sure you’re prepared to lose everything in the blink of an eye.

Attack the Light

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A game based on Steven Universe. I’ll be honest I absolutely adore this one and I’ve never seen an episode of Steven Universe in my entire life.

Which means if you haven’t seen an episode of Steven Universe in your entire life then there’s a good chance that you’re going to fall for it too.

It plays out like a smartly readjusted JRPG. It’s got gorgeous cartoon graphics, and there’s hours of game here as well. So yeah, why not have a crack at it?

Galactic Keep

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Now, if like me you love the rattle of dice on tabletops and the frantic scribble on pencils, this one is likely to get your heart beating fast.

It simulates a real-life RPG, complete with a gorgeous art style that makes it stand out from pretty much anything else in the crowd.

But on top of all the whimsy and neat ideas, it’s also an incredible amount of fun. Who needs masses of polygons when you’ve got dice battles and character sheets? Not me, that’s for sure.