The 5 best iPad and iPhone games this week - 2nd December

By , on December 2, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 2 months ago

It’s not been the most inspiring week for iOS gamers. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t some gems out there in the murk. Plus you could probably save your money for next week, or the week after, or your college education or whatever.

We’ve had a dig around and found these five games that we reckon are more than worthy of some of your attention on iOS this week. Most of them are free, and then some of them are not free.

Oh my it has been a long week. Anyway, here’s that list. Enjoy it, and let’s regroup on Monday with increased vigour and spirit, yeah?

Apollo Justice Ace Attorney

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It’s been a while coming, but this will be welcomed by fans of shouting OBJECTION at everything that moves. A new hero, more things to shout OBJECTION at, and a bunch of new chapters to explore.

You’ll get the first chapter for just 99c, and then can buy the rest if you like what you see. Definitely worth trying out if you’ve not experienced the glory of an Ace Attorney game before.

Swap Sword

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A match-stuff puzzler. But they’re not very interesting I hear you cry. Well, this one actually is. It’s a mashing together of a swappy swap swap game and an RPG. With some actiony stuff thrown in there.

It’s precisely the sort of game we like to shout about on AppSpy, and we think you’re going to be a fan of it too. Maybe get it and find out if we’re right. Sorry if we’re not. So sorry.

Z Buster

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If you’re bored of the same dour and miserable zombies polluting every mobile game with their lurching, gross bodies, then you might quite like this one.

The zombies are cute, the guns are cute, hell everything is cute. And it’s actually quite a lot of fun as well. Fun and cute, sounds like someone I know. Not me though, I’m just awful.

Knight Slinger

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I’m actually surprised this genre hasn’t been better represented in recent years. It’s a slingshot RPG, so you’re twanging your character around, smashing it into things and doing damage.

It’s a control system that’s basically perfect for mobile. And quite frankly I’m sick to death of buttons. More slinging, less mashing please developers.

Creature Battle Lab

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A game that lets you build your own monsters and then go have scraps with them. I mean if you’re not sold after that first sentence I honestly don’t think we can be friends anymore.

It’s a little on the simple side, but it scratches that creative itch, and it lets you have fights with monsters. Who doesn’t want to do that?