5 other apps that should have games like Facebook Messenger

By , on December 2, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 2 months ago

Yeah it’s another feature based around Facebook Messenger. That’s just the sort of thing that’s going to happen this week. And since this week is almost over, it might stop happening quite soon.

Anyway, Facebook Messenger has games, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. So I wondered what other apps should have games? And why should they have games? And how many words could I suck out of this idea to form into a feature?

Here then, for your reading pleasure, is the culmination of those three thoughts. Which I’m sure you’re going to agree is super, super, super exciting.


Swiping left and right might be fun, but what if we turned the dating game into a literal dating game. Like you could only match with people if you managed to invade their base in a CoC style casual strategy game.

Or maybe you need to shoot all of their pictures a set number of times to prove that you’re worthy of their attention. Actually now I’ve typed that out it sounds completely insane. Let’s not do that.


It’s hive that controls your boiler and stuff yeah? So if you got CCTV cameras in your house as well you could essentially play a real-life game of Republique. Except instead of fascism you’re fighting against the cold?

And hopefully there aren’t any weird faceless guards with tasers wandering around your house. If there are, well, that’s not on and you should probably ask them to leave.

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Google Maps

Wait, that’s basically Pokemon GO. Okay, move on.


Essentially you could turn Uber into a radio controlled version of Skidmarks. Once driverless cars are the norm you can just drive them to your location and then get in them and then drive them some more.

Wait, that’s not driverless is it. That’s you driving. Okay once you get in you can’t drive anymore. And to be honest you’ll probably have destroyed the car by that point anyway.

Just Eat

You know how you get those alarms that don’t let you turn them off unless you solve a maths puzzle to prove you’re awake? Well this would stop you from getting any hideously unhealthy food until you’d finished a level of a super tough platformer.

I don’t like to blow my own trumpet, but I’m about 90% sure that I just solved the obesity epidemic in one fell swoop.

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