We've got an exclusive new trailer for Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore for iOS

By , on December 5, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 2 months ago

Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore is set to hit the App Store this Thursday. That's right, on December 8th you'll be able to fly around firing lasers at things and having a right old giggle. Sounds good, yeah?

Well how's this for another sound that you might like? Here at AppSpy we've got an exclusive video that you're not going to be able to see anywhere else until tomorrow. That's pretty much what exclusive means, so you've learned something new today as well.

Without further ado here is that EXCLUSIVE video. Yup, exclusive. I keep saying exclusive and I'm not entirely sure why.

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As you can see the video introduces some of the mercenaries who are going to be on your side in the big space that makes up space. And it shows off some new shooting sections that we haven't had a gander at before.

If you've not heard of Galaxy on Fire 3 – Manticore, well it's the third in galactic spanning series that sees you piloting gorgeous looking spaceships through massive galaxies. There's shooting, there's trading, and there are some of the best looking explosions we've ever seen on iOS.

And if that wasn't enough, there's a whole bunch more going on in the game as well. Want to see our hands-on with the game? Well you can, because I've stuck it underneath this here paragraph.

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It's fair to say that this one is looking special. And we're pretty excited to get our fingers on it come this Thursday. Remember to keep an eye on our YouTube channel because you can expect a review up there pretty sharpish.

And to round things off, let's stick another trailer here. It might not be exclusive, but it is nice to just have a look at the things that the game does. Like explosions. I am really into those explosions.

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So to recap, Galaxy on Fire 3 – Manticore is coming out on Thursday. You just saw an exclusive trailer for it. The game isn't going to cost anything when it lands, and it'll certainly be interesting to see how the transition to f2p effects the gameplay.

What are your thoughts on the trailers? Are you looking forward to swooping around in deep space all over again? Then let us know in the comments below. We promise that we'll read them all and stroke our communal beard while we do.