The AppSpy retrospective - The 3 best games of February 2016

By , on December 12, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 1 month ago

Ah February. The shortest month of the year. Tiny little February, wandering around all lost and lonely and wondering why hack journalists keep anthropomorphising it for their strained introductions to retrospective pieces.

February might not have been a golden month for iOS gaming, but some gems did emerge from the dirt. And a lot of dirt was wrapped around the gems. There was a low gem to dirt ratio is what I'm trying to say.

Anyway, here are the three best iOS games that came out in February 2016. It was a long time ago, but I think I've remembered it right. Join us next time for March, which was much, much better than February.


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A game with a name that screams “please do not search for me.” But you should search for it, because it's actually really, really good. This is a clever puzzler that tasks you with solving a puzzle across multiple different planes.

It looks gorgeous, it plays brilliantly, and it stretches your brain in directions that most games don't even think are directions. This was probably one of the puzzling highlights of the year, and if you missed out, make sure you don't miss out now. By which I mean go and play it.

Final Fantasy IX

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I've said it before, I'll say it again, Final Fantasy IX is quite frankly brilliant. It's better than FF7. Like, hands-down better than FF7. So take off your rose tinted spectacles and play what is one of the very best games of the PSOne era.

Even this port beats the FF7 mobile port. It beats it so hard into submission that you'll start to wonder whether it's even a fair fight. A massive, stylish JRPG that's so chock full of heart it's got like eight extra hearts. Just play it, will ya?

Assassin's Creed Identity

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Controversial choice. Well, sort of. It's basically Assassin's Creed squished onto mobile. And for the most part it sort of works. Especially if you like running over the rooftops, stabbing people, and not worrying too much about the nightmare that is AC canon now.

It's a bit fiddly sometimes, but Identity shows that with a bit of common sense you can get AAA games to play well on mobile. And there's lots of stabbing in it, which makes a nice change from all the shooting we usually see on our phones or tablets.