The Thursday Find - Red's Kingdom

By , on January 19, 2017
Last modified 8 years, 1 month ago

This week’s Thursday find is a little gem. It’s a little nuts as well. Hahahaha, that’s a pun. You’ll see why when we get into the article, but trust me, that’s really really funny.

The game itself is a mixture of ideas from a variety of genres. It’s a puzzler, an adventure, and a dungeon crawler. It’s smart, it’s pretty, and it’s well worth your time.

But what is it? Why, it’s Red’s Kingdom of course. And if you’re only going to get one game this week, we reckon it should be this one.

Red’s Kingdom

The game is all about leading a squirrel through a series of little levels, snaffling up the nuts that you find along the way. See, I told you it was funny. I’ll give you a minute to stop laughing, don’t worry.

You move around the levels by rolling. Swipe in a direction and you’ll move in that way until you hit something. Then you’ll swipe in a different direction and roll off again. It’s simple, but surprisingly deep.

The game adds new mechanics as you play too. You’ll be jumping over things, avoiding lava, and moving blocks out of the ground to change the possible patterns of your movement.

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And on top of all of that, the game looks wonderful. I mean, honestly, after the slightly ropey cartoon intro you get dropped into one of the best looking game worlds you’re going to have laid eyes on in a while.

Plus everything rolls along (another pun!) at a wonderful pace. The levels are tiny but they offer a decent challenge as well. This isn’t a game you’re going to breeze through, but it’s not one you’re going to be stuck on for ages.

This isn’t the most original game in the world, but when everything is done so well, it’s difficult to be churlish. Pick it up, give it a go, and I guarantee you’ll have a right good laugh.