Star Wars: Force Arena guide - Part four - Menu hints and tips

By , on January 19, 2017
Last modified 8 years, 1 month ago

In this fourth part of the series about Star Wars: Force Arena we’re going to have a look at some of the menu mechanics that you’re going to need to make use of if you’re going to succeed in the game.

We’ll break things up with some images as well, so you can see what we’re talking about. We’re good like that. No, no don’t mention it. It’s fine, we’re here to help.

Anyway, tomorrow we’ll have a look at some more advanced tactics for when you’re actually on the battlefield, but right now let’s focus on the menus you’re going to spend a lot of time looking at.


This is where you’ll unlock the cards you win when you play. You’ll need to actively open them once you’ve been given them, and they’ve got a countdown on them that can last for quite a long time.

It’s worth starting an unlock when you’re coming to the end of a play session so that you’ll have the new cards ready the next time you come to play.

This screen also has a number of other reward packs you can unlock at certain times, so it’s always worth coming back and checking if there’s anything new there for you.


Here you can trade a number of different cards to get a single random card from the next tier up. It’s worth doing if you’ve got a lot of spare cards that you’re not using.

You can only trade once every few hours, so make sure you do it once at the start of a play session so you can make the most of the cards you receive.


The shop works in a similar way to the shop in Clash Royale. You’re buying cards to toughen up the units you’ve already got. There are packs you can spend extra currency on as well, if you’d like.

The shop updates regularly so make sure you’re checking it often to ensure that if there are any cards you need you can cash in.


The deck is where you can change your cards around. We’ve gone through a lot of the things you can do here in another part of the series, but here’s a few tips.

Make sure you check the card collection to see what your new cards do, and see if you’ve got any older cards you can trade or upgrade to get extra XP.