The Tuesday Best of - Third person shooters

By , on January 24, 2017
Last modified 8 years, 1 month ago

It seemed fitting in this Tuesday best-of to have a gander at the best third-person shooters on the App Store, since we’re looking at one over the course of a week in our guide series. I think that’s called synergy?

Anyway, we’re going to pick the three third-person shooters you can download right now that I think will make your heart beat faster and your palms get sweatier. Because that’s the sort of thing they do to me.

If you disagree, well that’s fine. But make sure you tell me in the comments so I can have a right old giggle about just how wrong you are.


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This is, hands-down, the best real-time multiplayer shooter on the App Store. I’m not even kidding a little bit. I really, properly love Afterpulse.

It strips the shooter down to its bare minimum, gets rid of clunky things like cover and jumping and just lets you run around gunning down strangers to earn points.

There are a few niggles here and there, but if you like shooting things and you don’t mind not being able to play with your friends then you’re going to lap this right up.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here.

Max Ammo

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If Afterpulse goes in one direction with its minimalist blasting, then Max Ammo goes in the other. It’s more cartoony, and uses cover as its beating heart instead of chucking it out entirely.

Here you’re swiping to dart from cover to cover, and tapping to take down waves of enemies. It’s simple, it’s fast, and it’s got a glowing arcade soul.

It might not have the complexity of some other shooters, but that’s not really the point. You should pick it up and give it a bash. Trust me, it’s worth it.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here.

Trigger Fist

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Another game that sits on the Afterpulse spectrum. This time it gets rid of the Y axis, setting all of your battles on a single plain.

And yes, I know that sounds stupid, but in practice it actually works really, really well. Because you don’t have to worry about up and down you can worry about point and shoot.

Which as we all know is the most important part of a shooting game. Again, it might not be perfect, but it’s probably as close as you’re going to get on the App Store. For now, anyway.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here.