The Thursday Find - A Normal Lost Phone

By , on January 26, 2017
Last modified 8 years ago

This week’s Thursday find took a bit of digging up, but I got there in the end because I’m a tenacious so-and-so who doesn’t take no for an answer. Or at least not where mobile videogames are concerned. I’m not crazy or anything.

Anyone, this week we’ve got an interesting one for you. It does things a little differently, there’s not any action, and in all honesty all you’re doing is looking at a phone.

But while you’re at it you’ll reveal a mystery, and get to the bottom of a disappearance. And you might find out a lot about yourself along the way.

A Normal Lost Phone

As you might be able to tell from the name of the game, the premise revolves around finding a phone. From there you need to figure out what’s happened to the owner.

You start off reading some text messages, figure out how to find the WiFi password, work out how to open some emails, and take it from there.

It’s all simple. You’re doing precisely the sort of thing that you’d normally do on your phone. But there’s a strange feeling here, because you’re looking through the parts of someone else’s life.

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And that makes you want to push on and find out more. Because there’s a mystery here. And the deeper you get into things the more unsetlling it gets.

This is an important piece of digital entertainment, because it doesn’t shy away from the darker aspects of its narrative.

It might seem like a strange sort of game, and in all fairness, it is. But you should definitely give it a go. Trust me, it’s going to surprise you.