WarFriends guide - Part Four - Advanced tactics

By , on January 27, 2017
Last modified 8 years ago

Welcome to the final part of our WarFriends guide. We’ve covered a lot in the time we’ve been together, and I for one am proud of what we’ve achieved. You have the makings of an excellent soldier.

But if you want to take your warring even further, you’ve come to the right place. Because here we’re going to go deep into some of the tougher strategies you’re going to have to employ to own the battlefield.

We hope we’ve helped you out in your charge to become the finest warrior in the world. And if we have, feel free to let us know in the comments below.

Tap and move

First up, when you’re on the move you’ll want to be tapping on the screen to fire off some shots while you’re legging it. You’ll get points for doing it, and you might take out some bad guys while you’re doing it.

Move a lot

Staying in the same place lets your enemy focus their fire and train shots on your location. Keep moving between cover. Take no more than two or three shots at each location then move on.

Upgrade your pistol

We’ve gone on about the pistol a lot in this guide, and for good reason. It’s the most useful, and most overlooked tool in your arsenal. If it’s tough, then it’s going to do a lot of damage for not much outlay.

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Get those crates

Whenever a crate appears it’s a good idea to try and shoot it, even if it’s your opponent’s. It’s possible they’ll have booby trapped it with a Warcard, but if not you don’t want them getting a health boost on your watch.


Headshots do the most damage. As you might imagine, because the head is where the brains are kept. And you need them. Try and aim for the head as often as possible to get critical damage bonuses.

Kill them

Your foe has most of the same cards as you will. So you’re going to know what the units do. That means you can respond in turn with units and cards of your own. The game is all about balancing out attack and defence. Counter when you need to and you’ll do fine.