Fire Emblem: Heroes guide - Part One - The basics

By , on February 3, 2017
Last modified 8 years ago

Well, Fire Emblem: Heroes is out. What did you think of it? I’ll be honest, I’m a fan. I think it’s a solid casual RPG that does things differently from a lot of other games on the App Store. And that’s always a good thing.

But if you’re just starting out in the game, you might need some help finding your feet. And that’s where this guide comes in. We’re gonna walk you through the hints, tips, and strategies you’re going to need to win.

In this first part we’re going to cover the basics, but come back over the next few ways and we’ll work our way through some of the tougher aspects of the game together. Because that’s what good heroes do.

The basics

Like I said before, the game is a casual RPG. The main thrust of it involves moving your characters around gridded levels and fighting bad guys.

You move your heroes by sliding them around. The blue squares you see when you push a finger on a hero represent how far they can move, the red represents how far their attacks reach.

There are four different types of characters. Three of them are representedby the weapon triangle in the bottom right corner of the screen, and have strengths and weaknesses that follow the path of the triangle.

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There’s a fourth type as well that doesn’t fit on the triangle. They don’t have the weaknesses against the other colours, but they don’t have the strengths either.

Different units perform different actions in combat, and we’ll have a closer look at the roles of your troops in the next part of the guide.

The most important thing to remember early on in the game is that things are pretty easy. So take your time and experiment with the various mechanics so that they’re stuck in your head.