Fire Emblem: Heroes guide - Part Two - Units and the weapon triangle

By , on February 3, 2017
Last modified 8 years ago

In this second part of our guide we’re going to look at the different types of units you’re going to be using while you’re fighting your way through Fire Emblem.

There are four different types, and we’re going to break them down for you piece by piece, to make sure you know exactly what you’re doing and who you’re doing it with.

Come back next time and we’ll have a long hard look at the battle system itself, and see if we can’t find some ways to make sure you’re kicking evil hero butt.

Red Sword

Red Sword characters are strong against Green Axes but weak against Blue Lances. As you can tell from the name they’re the characters that carry swords. Often these characters are the jack-of-all-trades of your roster, so it’s good to have at least one in your team.

Green Axes

Green Axe characters are strong against Blue Lances but weak against Red Swords. These characters will all, wait for it, be carrying axes. Usually they’re the strongest warriors, so you’ll want to throw them front and centre and support them with other characters.

Blue Lances

Blue Lance characters are strong against Red Swords but weak against Green Axes. You’ll never guess what they carry - yup, lances. They’re usually mounted or flying, and that can give them an edge.

No Colour

There are some characters that aren’t represented on the triangle. That’s because they’re ranged. These characters are particularly useful against flying foes. But you’ll want to keep them out of the hand-to-hand fighting, because they’re basically useless.