The best games on sale on iPhone and iPad right now - February 8th

By , on February 8, 2017
Last modified 8 years ago

Wednesday, Wednesday, gotta write a list of the best games on sale on the App Store on Wednesday. Everybody's looking forward to reading and consuming the list, then acting on its suggestions.

That was a pretty catchy song, I think you'll agree. And it also managed to spell out exactly what I'm up to in this here list. All that stuff I said up there. Wicked.

If you like the look of any of the games, then you can click on their emboldened names to be taken to the App Store, where you can download them to your heart's content. Probably just once, but that's more than none, right?

Bertram Fiddle: Episode 1: A Dreadly Business – 99p / 99c

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A tongue-in-cheek point and click adventure with a decidedly British thread of humour running through it. It looks lovely, and it plays just fine.

You play the titular investigator who's trying to track down a serial killer before they strike again. Cue jokes and shenanigans in an alternate Victorian London.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here.

Rush Rally 2 – 99p / 99c

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Probably one of the best rallying games on the App Store. Drive cars on dirty tracks really, really fast. Oh, and it looks ace.

There's plenty to do here, and you're going to do it all with a gearhead's oil-stained grin on your face. Which is pretty cool.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here.

Warlocks's Tower - £1.99 / $1.99

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This one only came out last week, but it was good enough to make it onto our list of the best games that came out then.

And now it's had its price slashed in half. In half! So sorry if you bought it a week ago, but if you didn't, you definitely should now.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here.

The Lords of Midnight - £2.99 / $2.99

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A masterpiece of the strategy genre, now perfectly playable on that super powerful computer you carry about with you and use to send pictures of funny looking animals to your friends.

It's super retro, because it's super old, but it's also a brilliant and deep adventure that gives you an incredible amount to do.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here.

Chameleon Run – Free

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A game that takes the endless runner genre in some interesting new directions. It's all about colour changing and trying not to die.

It's smart, it's fast, and right now it won't cost you a single shiny penny to give it a go. So, you know, go and do that.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here.