Fire Emblem: Heroes guide - Part Five - Advanced tips

By , on February 10, 2017
Last modified 8 years ago

In this last part of our Fire Emblem: Heroes guide we’re going to look at some more advanced tactics to set you on the road to heroic glory.

We’re going to focus on tricks you should use in battle to get the most out of your characters, with one eye on the sort of tips that are useful no matter what the makeup of your army is.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading the guide as much as we’ve enjoyed writing it, and make sure you keep coming back to AppSpy for more hints and tips on the biggest mobile games in the not-too-distant future.

Keep your rangers safe

Your ranged units are going to get in trouble as soon as they get attacked by a melee unit, since they can’t retaliate. And by the same token they’ll take damage whenever they attack another ranged unit.

You’ll want to keep them to the back of your formation, and keep them on the move. Attack melee strikers from distance, and focus their fire on flying units if there are any on the battlefield.

Two by two

It’s a good idea, depending on the layout of a fight, to split your army up into two teams of two. Check the colours of the bad guys you’re fighting, and then divide your forces accordingly.

Having two teams makes your army way more adaptable, but it also means that your heroes aren’t striding out onto the battlefield alone. Having multiple characters at around the same level will help you out if your main army doesn’t have the correct hue to take on a battle.

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Use the terrain

Destructible terrain might seem like an annoyance, but when things get tough you can use it to your advantage. Essentially you can extend the number of turns it takes for an enemy to get to you, giving you the chance to strike first.

And striking first is incredibly important. While you might get a chance to retaliate, you’re going to do more damage if you lash out first. And in the long run that can mean the difference between winning and losing.

Use your specials

A lot of the heroes you unlock can aid the other members of your team. When you tap on them, you’ll see that friendly units within range are highlighted in green. This means you can buff them.

You perform the buff in the same way you would an attack, just on an ally. Some buffs bestow magical attributes, while some are as simple as giving another unit a nudge one square. Try them out and find how they fit into your play style.