The Tuesday Best of - Lego games

By , on February 14, 2017
Last modified 8 years ago

It’s Tuesday. Happy Tuesday. Well done on making it this far into another week. Get ready for people saying confusing things about hump day to you tomorrow though. Sorry about that.

Today though we’re going to take one of our usual looks at three of the best games in a specific genre on the App Store. But what genre to pick? Whaaaaat genre?

How about the best Lego games on iOS? Since they’re mostly on sale at the moment because that Lego Batman game has come out. You can click on the name of the game to be taken to the App Store.

But which ones should you get? Why not… THESE ONES.

The Lego Movie Video Game

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How could a game based on the Lego Movie be bad? The answer is, it’s not, it’s actually really good. Full of the sort of fun and whimsy that made a film about some building blocks so engaging.

And this one’s on sale right now as well, so you can pick it up for 99p / 99c right now if you click on the link in its name above. And we reckon that you should, because this is a right blast through the Lego universe.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes

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Okay, so Lego Batman is cool. But what could possibly be cooler? Lego Marvel, obviously. Because Marvel, in almost every respect, is just cooler than DC at the moment. Plus giant Lego Hulk is a lovely idea.

There’s a cool story to get your teeth into here, as well as all plenty of interesting new ideas that breathe a different sort of life into the standard Lego formula. Plus Iron Man. And Cap. What could go wrong?

Well, it’s not one of the games that’s on sale, but other that that, nowt.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here.

Lego Batman: DC Super Heroes

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This one just scrapes in, and for one reason alone. Well, two reasons. One, it’s got Batman in it, and I’m worried that if he reads what I said in the last entry he might come and punch me over and over in the face.

And second it’s one of the games in the sale. So now you’ve got a choice of two sale games and one none sale game. I have brought you choice. What you choose to do with it is entirely up to you. Choice-ception.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here.