Mass Effect Andromeda might be out soon, but the original should come to iPhone, iPad, and Android

By , on February 23, 2017
Last modified 8 years ago

Mass Effect Andromeda is so close I can almost taste it. It's just there, just out of reach, waiting for me to cuddle and squeeze all of the spacey goodness out of it. I mean this is legitimately the only game I'm excited about.

But excitement is no good. It's useless. What we need is content. Glorious content covered in all of the things that make us so happy and glad to be alive in this time of all of that content that's happening.

So I've whipped up a little list about why the original Mass Effect should definitely come to mobile. I don't think I'd be able to contain my glee if it did. Mainly because I'd have a lot of glee.

Agree? Disagree? You're a spam bot? Let us know in the comments below then.

It's getting on a bit

Mass Effect is nine years old. That's really, really old in video game terms. And I'm pretty sure that the top end iOS hardware of today could easily run it. We might have to pare some things back a bit, but BioShock worked pretty well on mobile, and that's of a roughly similar vintage.

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It's less combat focused

The fighting in the first game isn't quite on a par with the fighting in the second and third. And in a weird way that could work well on mobile. You're never going to be able to control things as well as you do with a joypad, but there's room here to refine things so they actually click on mobile.

It's the best one

Okay, mechanically it might lag behind 2 and 3, but the story of the original is far more interesting than the story in the other 2 games. At the time it felt fresh and exciting, a clashing together of sci-fi elements and gaming in just the right way. Mass Effect 2 and 3 are ace, Mass Effect beats them hands-down though.

The Mako

Yeah, everyone hates the Mako. I don't, I think it's great. I love being upside down 40 feet in the air and having no idea where the ground is. Mainly because I imagine that that's what exploring alien planets is really going to be like.

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It's the next Bioware game

We've got KOTOR, we've got Jade Empire. And Mass Effect landed on consoles just two short years after Bioware's kicking and punching RPG came out. So really, if you look at the chronology of things, it's only fair that Mass Effect comes next (although I'd also accept Sonic Chronicles, at a push.)