The Monday Musing - It's Pokemon Day! Here are some other mobile games that should have days

By , on February 27, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 12 months ago

It's the most wonderful day of the year. No, not Christmas. Not even my birthday. It's Pokemon Day. 21 years ago the first Pokemon game came out in Japan. Pokemon is now officially old enough to drink in America. Well done Pokemon.

But that got me thinking, in classic me fashion, about what other games deserve to have their own special day. And what could those special days entail. And when they might happen. And some other stuff.

So that's this week's Monday Musing for you then. Mobile games that deserve their own special holiday. I don't know either, it's been a long day. If you've got your own suggestions, then stick them in the comments all the way down there.

Clash Royale

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Clash Royale day would happen in mid-winter. And in my head it'd be a lot like The Purge, only cuter. It's the one day in the year where you can gather up your subordinates and go round to a friend's house.

Once there you can smash their house up. But only from the outside. And they can do the same to you. And when one of you wins you can celebrate with massive expressions. It sounds great. I'll make cards.

The Room

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This one would happen in the height of summer. It's a day when everyone is allowed to look themselves in a room and just poke and prod whatever happens to be in that room.

Some things might happen, some things might not happen. Just as long as the room is dark and every now and then something shocking happens. It's a holiday full of fun for all of the family. But in different rooms.

Cut The Rope

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What's more holiday-riffic than sweets? Or if you're from a place that says candy, candy? Nothing, that's what. Except maybe dangling from scaffoldings by ropes to try and get the candy. And doing it during the spring.

This one's going to need a decent amount of infrastructure in place to make it work. And probably a good deal of insurance. But it'll definitely be memorable. Just maybe not for the right reasons.

Flappy Bird

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An Autumnal holiday if ever there was one. We all dress up as birds and then just run into whatever we can find. Over and over again, for reasons that, even when the dust has settled, escape us.

You'll probably only get a year out of this one, before its creator decides that people mashing their faces into walls over and over is a bad idea. Enjoy it while it lasts.