The 5 best iPad and iPhone games this week - March 3rd

By , on March 3, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 11 months ago

We're stumbling towards the end of another week. Sweaty and breathing heavily, desperate for the sweet, milky embrace of mother weekend. But that doesn't mean we have to stop the content, oh me oh my no.

So let's kick things off with a round up of the five best games that came out on the App Store this week. It's been a pretty good seven days all told, especially if you like games. If you don't, I'm sort of unsure as to what you're doing here.

Anyway, click on the emboldened game names and you'll be able to “purchase” that specific piece of digital entertainment. Y'know, if you wanna. And if you think I've missed anything, feel free to add your own suggestions to the comments below.

Breakforcist - £2.99 / $2.99

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Imagine if Breakout was a game you had to play in order to stop a ghost from stealing your breakfast food. Actually don't imagine that, because you don't need to. You can play Breakforcist instead.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Yo! Let's Up - Free

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A game that mashes together a tower builder and a one touch platformer. And it does it very well. Bounce around, unlock hats made of poo, and have a lovely old chuckle at the wonderful absurdity of it all.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

After the End: Forsaken Destiny - £3.99 / $3.99

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A gorgeous looking adventure puzzler set in a desert wasteland. There are challenges to complete, musical head-scratchers to fathom out, and all manner of things to see. And you'll want to see them all, because the game's really good.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

The Escapists - £3.99 / $3.99

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A port of the super successful PC game about trying to get out of prison. Basically, you need to get out of prison, but there are loads of ways to do it. A big sandbox environment and plenty of options will keep you on your toes. That and trying not to get shanked.

Pan-Pan - £3.99 / $3.99

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Another gorgeous looking adventure game. It seems like it's the week for them on the App Store. This one's all about exploring, and solving puzzles using the environment. That's also how the game tells its story. Definitely one to check out.