The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - March 8th

By , on March 8, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 11 months ago

Wednesday. Ostensibly the third day of the working week. A time to sit down and take stock of the horrible mess you've made of everything? Nah mate, it's the perfect time to get some iPhone and iPad games for dirt cheap.

But which ones should you get? Well if you ask me, which you clearly are doing since you've made it this far into the article, then you should definitely consider getting one of the five games that I've listed below.

I mean, there are lots of games on sale right now. But most of them have 2048 in their name, or are horrible rip offs of fighting games that will, more than likely, install malware on your iOS device. But if that's what you're after, knock yourself out.

If you'd rather get a good game though, click on the emboldened names below and via the magic of the internet you'll end up at the App Store page for the relevant game. Isn't modern technology grand?

Talisman - 99p / 99c

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A pretty impressive digital recreation of a classic Games Workshop boardgame. There's loads to do, and a thick multiplayer mode that lets you and your friends play together.

It might not be the best boardgame ever, but this is a good port, and it means you don't have to clear anything up when you're done.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Talisman: Horus Heresy - 99p / 99c

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But what if you prefer your boardgames a bit more futuristic? Well then why not grab this grim and gritty grim grim dark grim version of Talisman instead?

It's set in the pivotal event of the Warhammer 40k universe, when all the Space Marines started fighting each other. For reasons. It's polished, it's got loads of features, and it's definitely worth a look.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Leo's Fortune - £2.99 / $2.99

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A platformer with a decent number of twists built into its DNA. Race through levels grabbing gold and solving puzzles.

There's a touch of Badland here, but everything is brighter and presented in its own unique way. Plus there are some fine moustaches.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Mos Speedrun 2 - 99p / 99c

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A classic platformer from the good old days of the App Store (like, two years ago). This one sees you pelting through a series of 30 levels trying to beat your times.

It's fast, it's fun, and while it might not have aged brilliantly, for less than the price of a bottle of pop you're definitely getting a huge bargain.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Table Tennis Touch - 99p / 99c

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This isn't just the best table tennis game on the App Store, it's one of the best sports games full stop. Twonk balls around with precision, play against other people, and generally have a lovely old time.

There are surprising depths here as well, and some Virtua Tennis-style challenges. Basically this has everything you'd want from a Table Tennis game, and more.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here