The best iPhone and iPad games in Apple's Indie Game take over - Part One

By , on March 14, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 11 months ago

Apple is having a special Indie Games take over of the App Store of the moment, featuring new and exciting indie games that you should be playing on your iPhone or iPad.

But which are the ones that you need to download right this second, the games that are going to make you fall in love with interactive digital entertainment all over again?

Well in my humble opinion you can't go wrong with these three right here. Of course, we're only part of the way through the event right now, so come back next week for part two of our must-buy indie games guide. And tell your friends. And your enemies. Tell everyone.

And, as ever, you can click on the emboldened name of the games below to be taken off to the App Store where you'll be able to buy or download them. I'm too good to you lot, I really am.

Golf Zero - Free

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Golf took place in a cartoon, defied the laws of physics, and the people playing it died horrible deaths on a regular basis in the pursuit of the perfect putt?

Well wonder no more, because Golf Zero answers those questions and more. It's golf, but as a side-scrolling platformer with bullet time elements. And yes, it is every bit as brilliant as that might sound.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Kingdom: New Lands - £9.99 / $9.99

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It might seem like an odd mixture of ideas, and that, at least in part, is because it is. This is a side-scrolling kingdom builder that sees you flicking money at peasants in order to get them to do work.

Obviously there's much more to it than that. Like, loads more. It's a huge experience, and while it's easy to get into, you're going to find yourself hooked pretty damn quickly. Plus look at those pixel art graphics. Seriously, just look at them.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Euclidean Lands - £2.99 / $2.99

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A game that mixes ideas from some of the finest experiences on the App Store, adds some of its own, and then lets you go on a bizarre, twisting adventure through an incredible world that's unlike anywhere else you've been.

Imagine Lara Croft: GO but taking place on a Rubik's Cube while Lara was cosplaying as a mix between the prince from Prince of Persia and the main character from Journey. And you're about half way there.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here