Gangstar New Orleans guide for iPhone, iPad, and Android - Part 1: The basics

By , on April 3, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 10 months ago

So you've decided you want to be the most crimey criminal that the world has ever seen? But how to do it? Well first you're going to want to download Gangstar: New Orleans. I mean, being a criminal in the real world is super naughty.

But what then? If only some kind hearted, SEO-focused soul had created a step by step guide to getting the most out of the game. Oh, wait. They have. It was me. You're freakin' welcome.

In this part of the guide we're going to look through the basics of the game to ensure that you've got to grips with everything you need to know before we leap into the ins and outs of the more complex bits of the game.


There are two cores of the game, shooting and driving. So let's look at shooting first. The key to success in shooting missions is making sure you're in cover as much as possible.

It pays to be cautious, so make sure you duck and cover whenever you can. Use cover to check up on the enemies you need to take down before you start shooting as well.

Running in head first, especially when you're on the harder levels, is going to get you killed pretty quickly. Stake out your targets, and make sure you're not getting out flanked.

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The key to success in the driving challenges is staying on the road as much as possible. Preferably going the right way as well.

It's tempting to go offroad, and sometimes it's going to be necessary if you're being chased, but sticking to the tarmac is much more sensible. Especially since it's easier to see what's going on.

Obviously there are short cuts you can take, and if you're not getting the best times in the driving challenges it's worth heading to the section you're having difficulty with in the free roam mode and figuring out a new way around.

Free roam

Free roam mode isn't really all the necessary in New Orleans, since you can jump from crime to crime on the map.

However, you can still use it to figure out where you're going wrong on heists and other criminal enterprises. There are secrets hidden in free roam mode as well.

Don't bother mugging people though, as they rarely drop anything. But do look out for jumps, because they're a lot of fun.