The Thursday Find - Cell 13

By , on April 6, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 10 months ago

Oh Thursday, you beautiful ragamuffin. What have you been doing while the other days had their turn? Maybe we'll never know. Maybe we're not supposed to know. Ah well, them's the breaks.

If you've been paying any attention you'll know that Thursday is when we here at AppSpy go and find a game you should be playing this week. We call this service the Thursday Find. Because it sounds nice.

Today we've got a lovely puzzler for you. I mean, it's not lovely, it's hard as nails and you'll probably scream at it a lot. But it's really good all the same.

Cell 13 - £2.99 / $2.99

Have you ever wondered what would happen if Portal took place in 2D? And threw a bunch of other puzzling elements right in your face while it was at it? Well wonder no more, because Cell 13 is here.

The game sees you controlling an orb, rolling it through a series of challenges. The levels are made up of a whole bunch of puzzles, and there's a surprising scale to all of them that's going to make you do a smile.

The portals you're rolling through are boxes. Roll into a box of a certain hue and you'll roll out of its twin somewhere else on the level.

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Tapping on the boxes moves the angle that you're going to come out at. To begin with you're tapping them to avoid rolling in to walls. But things get complex pretty quickly.

But it's a good complex. There's a decent check point system that means you're never going back over puzzles you've already solved, which keeps frustration to a minimum.

Cell 13 is bright and clever. And if you're a fan of puzzle games then you're going to lap up everything that it has to offer.