The Tuesday best of - Sonic The Hedgehog games for iPhone and iPad

By , on April 11, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 9 months ago

Well, it looks like there's another Sonic mobile game on the way. I think maybe there's always another Sonic mobile game on the way. Because, y'know, Sonic.

Anyway, that made me think it was high time to rank the blue speedster's mobile outings to date, and then present those findings in some sort of list form. Which is exactly what I'm going to do in a bit.

As always you can click on the emboldened name of the game to download it. And if you think we've missed anything out, stick your suggestions in the comments right down at the bottom of the article. Go on, you know you want to.

Sonic Dash - Free

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It's interesting that in the mobile gaming world, Sonic's two main attributes have been cut up into two distinct experiences. The first of them is here in Sonic Dash. It's a game about running forwards. A lot.

Essentially it's an auto-runner starring the cast from Sonic's adventures. And it's actually a lot of fun. Slick and well put together, you'll find an awful lot to like here if you're not looking for anything with any depth.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Sonic Jump - £2.99 / $2.99

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And on the other side of the cut we have Sonic's jumping. To all intents and purposes this is a Doodle Jump clone, but it's handled with a lot of love and understanding of the source material.

Again, there's a lack of depth here. But as one-touch mobile experiences go, it's actually pretty on the ball. And it gets its compulsion loops just right. You're going to want to keep jumping back in to get higher scores. If you'll excuse the pun.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 - £2.99 / $2.99

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While there are ports of the original Sonic games on mobile, this is the closest you'll get to a core Sonic game that's built from the ground-up for mobile. And for the most part it works pretty well.

There are niggles here and there, and it certainly isn't up there with the classics of yesteryear. But it's fun, it looks great, and there are levels designed specifically for play on your phone. Which is something, I guess.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here