The Thursday Find - Get Me Outta Here

By , on April 20, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 10 months ago

Thursday. I have nothing to say about Thursday. Let us just get on with this and hope that Friday is a little bit more exciting than Thursday.

This week's Thursday Find is an interesting arcade shooter that takes a while to build up a head of steam. But when it does it becomes a thrashing lunatic of rolling and blasting that you can tailor to your needs.

But what is it? Well you're about to find out. Oh, and as per usual you can click on the emboldened name of the game below to download it from the App Store. And by it I mean...

Get Me Outta Here

You wake up in an alien spaceship. You're being probed. Probably. It's pretty rubbish either way. So you do the only sensible thing - go on a murderous rampage to earn your freedom.

It's a pretty standard set up, but the game wibbling around under the set up is anything but standard. There's a complexity to the controls here that means you're actually going to need to practice to get to grips with things.

That makes for a slow and slightly stodgy start. You're going to be struggling with the swipes and taps to begin with. But once things start to click you'll become an alien slaughtering machine.

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There are different modes to play through and different weapons to unlock. Huge bosses stomp across the screen, wobbling bits of themselves at you in ignoble ways. And then you shoot them to death.

It's all pretty impressive, and there's a polish and a scope to the game that makes it hard to put down once it's inserted its probe into your unmentionables.

You might find that the start of the game is a bit too much of a trudge. But please, stick with it, because there's a big exciting action game waiting for you behind it.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here