The Thursday Find - Binary Dash

By , on April 27, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 10 months ago

This week's Thursday Find is a shiny platformer that's got a lot going for it. It's slick, it's fun, and while it isn't the most original game you've ever played, you are going to have a blast playing it.

What's a Thursday Find? Why every Thursday here at AppSpy we dig out a gem that's come out this week on the App Store. And we tell you a bit about it. And then tell you to go and download it. It's one of the many services we provide here.

And you can download this week's game by clicking on its emboldened name just below this paragraph. But what game is it? Well that's a very apt question, and you're about to find out the answer. No, really, you are.

Binary Dash

There are a whole load of platformers on the App Store, and while Binary Dash might not be at the top of the upper echelons of the genre, it's still pretty damn good.

You're guiding a plucky little square through a series of short, sharp levels. You only get one life, and if you die you're dropped back to the start of the challenge.

The game isn't just about jumping though. You can also swap the side of the floor you're running on. Can't leap over a wall? Well then switch sides and drop down it. Pretty clever, right?

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There are a whole bunch of challenges to sink your teeth into here. And while things start off pretty easy, it doesn't take that long before the difficulty gets ramped up.

The game never gets too frustrating though. When things go wrong you'll blame yourself, jump up off the floor, and have another go.

Everything here is brilliantly well put together, and it looks great too. If you're looking for a new challenging platformer than Binary Dash definitely fits the bill.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here