The best Team 17 games for iPhone and iPad

By , on May 16, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 9 months ago

Oh look it's Tuesday. How on earth did that happen? Feels like only yesterday it was Monday. Right, I should probably create some slick and entertaining content in order to keep you, our beloved readers, entertained.

But what to do? Oh, how about a look at the three best Team 17 games on the App Store? That'd be a fun way to while away a few minutes wouldn't it? Right, let's do that then.

As usual you can click on the emboldened name of the games below to download them. I think that covers everything you need to know. At least I hope it does, because I'm just going to start writing the list now.

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This one's basically Lemmings, but with sheep instead of, well, Lemmings. It's smart and it looks super sharp, and there's a whole bunch of levels to sink your teeth into.

It doesn't quite have the ingenuity of its inspiration, but there's still an awful lot here to like. You'll play with a smile and a frown on your face, which is really what you want from a puzzle game.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

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A much smaller game, but probably just as much fun. It's a twitchy dodge-'em-up that sees you trying to protect your planet from asteroids.

There's not much to it, but that's sort of the point. This is the kind of game you'll pick up and bash through on the way to work. It's all about chasing high scores, and I'm totally fine with that.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

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Worms 3

Everyone knows Worms. I think everyone loves Worms as well. Clever tactical battling with podgy pink invertebrates. You'll be laughing the whole way through this one, even when you get blown to smithereens.

This is the definitive version of the game on mobile, and it's well worth checking out. The game fits perfectly in your pocket, and if you're a fan, or if you've never played the series before, then you should grab this immediately.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here