The Thursday Find - Guns of Boom

By , on May 18, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 9 months ago

Well it's Thursday again. I guess somewhere it's always Thursday. No, wait, that's not how time works is it? Ah well, let's just get on with this and see where we end up. Friday probably. That's usually what comes next.

Thursdays at AppSpy we like to talk about an awesome game that's come out this week on the App Store. And so that's exactly what I'm going to do today. It's a regular feature. It's called Thursday Find. Make a not in your diary.

This week we've got a super slick, super exciting shooter for you. And as ever you can click on the emboldened name of the game below to grab it from the App Store. Without further ado then, let's smash our face right into...

Guns of Boom

Violence is great. In videogame form. Real-life violence is bad and you probably shouldn't do it. Guns of Boom understands the first part of that quite honestly gibbering statement, and presents you with bite-sized blasts of shooting fun.

It's a team-based FPS in the vein of Team Fortress 2. You run around tight levels with your mates, shooting the other team and trying to make sure you've got the most points when the five minute counter hits zero.

Get some cash, buy some new stuff, then run around doing the same thing all over again. It's not the freshest idea, but it's wonderfully put together. And, whisper it, it's a shooter that works on touchscreen.

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I know, I know, we've all been fooled before, but this time things just click. Everything from the pace of the battles to the positioning of the buttons just feels right. And the auto-firing means you don't have all that much to worry about other than pointing in the right direction.

That's not to say there's not more going on here though. Working together as a team is key if you want to succeed, and exploiting all the areas of the brilliantly designed maps will give you a much needed edge.

Basically Guns of Boom is really, really good. And if I was you I'd go and download it right now. You'll find me on there, shooting bullets and generally giggling to myself. Because, like I said, videogame violence is great.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here