The 5 best games for iPhone and iPad this week - May 19th

By , on May 19, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 9 months ago

Well if it isn't our old friend Friday. The last day of the working week, the harbinger of the week-end. Here to tempt us with its promises of lie ins and roasts and barbecues and long nights of endless shenanigans.

But we've got one last piece of content to get through here at App Spy. It's the piece of content you've been waiting for. The piece of content that tells you the five best games that came out on the App Store this week.

As usual, you can click on the emboldened name of the games below to download them. And also as usual, if you've got your own suggestions, feel free to stick them in the comments below. Who knows, you might make your new best friend by doing that.

Guns of Boom

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A super slick super shooty super shooter. Honestly, this is one of the best multiplayer FPS games to have hit the App Store in recent memory. It's super addictive. I do have some bad news for you though, Pocket Gamer editor Glen Fox is the best at it. Like seriously, no one can beat him.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

No Stick Shooter

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A crazed turret shooter that offers one of the most frantic blasting experiences this side of other frantic blasting experiences. It starts off slow, but once it kicks into gear you're going to have to have super fast fingers to get anywhere.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Old Man's Journey

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This one's a slow paced puzzler that's all about an old man. He's wandering around, remembering parts of his life, and it's up to you to move the world around so he can get where he wants to go. Beautiful and slow paced, this is one for a wet afternoon.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here


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In a dystopian future, are you going to rat on the people who live in your building? That's the premise of this Steam port. It's telling and smart, and there's an awful lot going on. There are moral choices to make, and the whole game is painted in shades of confusing grey.

Chroma Squad

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If Beholder is all grey, Chroma Squad is all primary colours. It's an RPG that riffs on the idea of the Power Rangers, but with a cheeky grin on its face. It's retro, it's funny, and it's got a solid role playing heart that's likely to suck you in and spit you out. In the nicest way.