The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - May 24th

By , on May 24, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 8 months ago

Well it's Wednesday. That came around pretty quickly. Swooping in like some middle of the week eagle to remind us that we're the furthest from either weekend we've ever been. Thanks Wednesday. You jerk.

With that in mind I think it's important to keep our spirits up. And what's more spirit-up-keeping than saving a bit of money on some excellent games? I legitimately can't think of a single thing.

As usual you can click on the emboldened name of the game below to download it. And as usual feel free to chuck your own suggestions for cheap games into the comments down there at the bottom of the article. Peace out.

Samorost 3 - 99p / 99c

A wonderful, strange, beguiling point and click adventure from Amanita Design. Lead a spaceperson through a series of puzzles, unravelling the narrative as you go. It's slick, it's gorgeous, and if you've not played it yet then go grab it right this second.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Human Resource Machine - 99p / 99c

Is it a puzzler? Yes, yes it is. Is it a game about coding? Yes, yes it is. Is it really, really good? Yes, yes it is. Human Resource Machine is a game that plays by its own rules. It's fun, it's challenging, and I imagine it's a pretty fair description of what it's like having a real job.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

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Assassin's Creed Identity - 99p / 99c

It might not be a big polished AAA adventure in the sense of the console versions of AC, but this is still a big polished AAA mobile version of the franchise that works surprisingly well. Jump around, stab people in the face and neck, and generally have a lovely old time ignoring the story the game farts in your general direction.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Lumino City - 99p / 99c

Another point and click adventure with a style all of its own. This one is basically made of cardboard. To call it stunning would probably do it some disservice. This is a brilliant and breathtaking example of aesthetic done just right. And it also happens to be an awful lot of fun.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Teeny Titans - 99p / 99c

Essentially a DC take on Pokemon. Instead of Pikachu you're collecting Robin. Who's sometimes dressed as a dog. This is a bright and engaging RPG with a whole load of well-written humour and some really smart ideas. Definitely worth picking up for this price.