The Thursday Find - Subdivision Infinity

By , on May 25, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 9 months ago

Hello there Thursday my old friend. How are you doing? Are you literally so hot that I'm sat here in a bucket of ice water? Yes, yes you are. You horrible, horrible monster.

But don't worry, because through the veil of sweat and heat haze I'm still going to create lovely content for you nicey nicey people. And since it's Thursday we're gonna do a Thursday Find.

This week we're looking at a deep space shooter with a lot going for it. It's pretty, it has lots to do, and it sidesteps a lot of the problems of the genre on mobile.

As usual you can click the emboldened name of the game to download it. But what is it? Why it's...

Subdivision Infinity

Swooping through space is always lots of fun. Or at least I imagine it is. I'll never actually get to do it because I was born too early and too poor to ever get into the galaxy on a spaceship.

But I imagine it'd be quite a lot like Subdivision Infinity. All flying past big planets and shooting the living wires out of annoying drones that are trying to kill you.

The game is a slick shooter that sees you flying through a series of missions, blasting bad guys, mining from asteroids, and generally trying to save the universe.

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It's not as big as some space exploration games, and that means there's less floating around in nothingness between things you're supposed to be doing. Which is nice.

The game isn't perfect, but there's a lot to do and a lot to enjoy. It's pretty tough as well, despite the simple controls that let you leap in and start blasting pretty much from the get-go.

If you like space and shooting, this one's well worth a look. And if you don't like space or shooting I don't think you're cool anymore. Hand in your cool badge please.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here