The Monday Musing - Which other Pokemon deserve their own spinoff game?

By , on June 5, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 7 months ago

Well, Magikarp Jump is a game. It's quite a good game as well, so long as you don't mind playing games where you don't actually really do all that much. But it has stirred a thought deep within the recesses of my brain, and I have decided to release that thought onto the world.

And I'm going to do it in the form of glorious, glorious content. This piece of content in fact. It's a list I like to call, what other Pokemon deserve their own standalone games. It seemed like a good idea when it first came to me, so I'm running with it.

Agree? Disagree? Want me to write more posts that detail hypothetical games that fictional characters should become engaged in? Well let us know in the comments below. In the meantime, let's get cracking.

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If Pokemon GO is a game about walking around, the Snorlax spinoff could be an antidote to that. You earn points by not moving. You earn more for sleeping. You earn even more if you're sleeping in a place that means people can't get past you. I can see no problems with the implementation of this idea.


This one would be a dark point and click adventure about a Raichu coming to terms with the fact that everyone hates him because he's not Pikachu anymore. How do you deal with the weight of past successes? How do you cope with the looks of distain from people who once loved you? These are some of the questions the game would answer. Probably.


Essentially this game would involve Bulbasaur travelling around and solving literally every problem in the world with his vine whip. Because, as everyone knows, there is nothing that can't be solved with liberal application of the vine whip. It's a fact. Just look it up.


Remember when Robot Unicorn Attack was good? Well let's make a Rapidash version of the game and head back to the glory days. Other Pokemon could also be involved. Hell, this one might actually work. Remember you read it here first. Patent pending.