The Thursday Find - Touchdowners

By , on June 22, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 8 months ago

Thursday has come crashing in like a wedding-interrupting spurned suitor. Hey the rest of the week, it's probably shouting, don't get married to anyone other than me. Thursday will be ignored, the marriage will go ahead, and he'll feel like a silly sausage for a while.

But here at AppSpy we like to spend our Thursdays telling you about a game you should definitely download this week. It's a regular feature, it's called The Thursday Find, and you are literally reading it right now. Pretty exciting, right?

This week we've got a lovely gem for you. It's got a bit of everything - helmets, jumping, balls. What more could you want? You can click on the emboldened name of the game below to download it. Which you should, because it's ace.


If you're not familiar with the work of Colin Lane, allow me to explain it to you. He makes silly games that, despite all of their frantic chaos, are both playable and funny. And this one might be the best of them all.

Essentially it's a game of American Football, distilled into a button mashing slosh of beautiful madness. But there's skill here too, and a level of tactics that make the desperate touchline scrambles utterly compulsive.

You're controlling a team of three players, but you're controlling them with the same buttons. And as the carnage erupts they'll spread out all over the field, leaving you with a raft of tackling and passing options. From just two buttons.

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If that wasn't enough the game offers same-device multiplayer as well. Because shoving people in games is fun, but shoving them in real-life at the same time is even more fun.

You'll be surprised at just how quickly the game sinks its claws into you. And after every defeat or failure you'll want to jump straight back in.

Touchdowners is a wonderful mobile game, and you owe it to yourself to pick it up and give it a go. Even if you hate sport, there's such a balanced joy here that it's almost impossible not to play with a grin on your face.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here