The Thursday Find - Swing King and The Temple of Bling

By , on June 29, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 8 months ago

Wellity wellity well. It's Thursday, the fourth day of the working week. That's pretty exciting isn't it? It'll be Friday tomorrow. And after that we can all go to sleep for two days and hope we never wake up. Or something.

On Thursdays here at AppSpy, as well as basking in our own irrelevance, we also like to tell you about a game that we think you should play this week. And, of course, when I say we, I mean me. There's no one else here.

As ever you can click on the emboldened name of the game below to download it from the App Store. And have your say about our choice in the comments below. That'll be fun, won't it? I reckon so.

Swing King and The Temple of Bling

A clever, one-touch arcade game that's all about swinging. And bling. I mean, you could probably have worked that out from the name of the game. I'm sorry if I over-simplified. You deserve better than this.

You're playing a monkey who's collecting coins and moving from block to block. When you latch on to part of the scenery, you automatically start swinging around it.

You hold on by keeping your finger pressed on the screen. Let go and you'll fly off in the direction you're swinging. It's smart, it's simple, and from those little beginnings it opens up into something pretty cool.

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Soon you're trying to dodge spikes, bees, spiky bees, other types of spikes, sticky blocks, and all sorts of other obstacles that want to slow your progress.

There's a puzzling element here as you figure out which way you need to go. And some tight reflex testing too. It's all here, and it's all pretty damn good.

This is one of those games that you just have to play. As soon as things click, you're going to roll deeper and deeper into everything it has to offer. And you're going to have a lovely time while you're there.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here