The Monday Musing - The best 3 games of 2017 so far

By , on July 10, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 7 months ago

Ah Monday, the greyest of days. Speaking its name out loud feels like ash in your mouth. It is the great destroyer, the end of dreams, the final nail in the coffin of the weekend you cling on to so tightly. Monday. Monday.

So it's time for a Monday musing. That's where I like to muse about things going on in the mobile gaming world. And I do it on a Monday. I'm a sucker for alliteration. Don't judge me, I used to be cool like you.

In this week's musing I'm going to have a look back at the three best games that have come out on the App Store this year. After all, we're already half way through 2017. Think I'm wrong? Feel free to shout at me in the comments then.

Euclidean Lands

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Euclidean Lands is sort of like what would happen if you take one of Square's GO games, threw it at a Rubik's Cube, then shook the resulting mess up into a puzzling platformer. But better than that sounds. It's one of the smartest games we've seen on the App Store for a good long while, it's got its own unique look, and it's an incredible amount of fun.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Guns of Boom

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The mobile shooter finally done right. Guns of Boom isn't just super slick, it condenses the FPS down to its constituent parts, paring down the action to super short, super fun blasts. And it just works, pushing you to keep playing to unlock new weapons and kill as many people as you can. A brilliant, must-play multiplayer experience.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Monument Valley 2

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A sequel that's even better than its incredibly impressive forebear. MV2 adds a whole bunch of intriguing new ideas to the foundations of the first game, but still remains beautifully playable. This is the sort of game that everyone can, and should, play. Gorgeous to look at, haunting in places, and the perfect advert for just how good mobile gaming can be.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here