The best hints, tips, and tricks for Color Ballz for iPhone

By , on October 17, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 4 months ago

Color Ballz is one of those little games that you're going to get horribly addicted to. I of course mean that in the best possible way. Like, you're not going to go out and mug old ladies just so you can get another hit. It's free, it's ad-supported, and it's an awful lot of fun.

If you don't know what it is, allow me to enlighten you. Imagine a mix betwee Breakout and Pachinko. You're controlling a paddle at the bottom of the screen, and you need to hit falling balls into a funnel. The more balls you get in the funnel, the more points you get.

There are a few twists though. You've only got a limited number of balls, and once they've all dropped below your paddle it's game over. Don't fret though, because we've put together a quick guide to ensure you're going to be creeping up the leaderboard faster than you can say colour should have a U in it.

The bonuses

There are a number of different bonuses available as you bounce the balls into the funnel. The multiplier means your balls will score you more points as you catch them. The extra balls adds an extra ball to the bounce, and hopefully to your stash, and the size increaser makes any balls that passes through it bigger and easier to hit.

The key to getting a good score is hitting these bonuses. But there are a few things you should keep in mind while you're trying to bag them.

Don't chase it

It's tempting to try and hit the bonuses whenever they spring up. The key is to realise that keeping your balls in play is actually far more important. Don't try and hit the bonus every time, because you're going to lose balls in the process.

Focus on getting your bounces right, and you'll get more chances to get the bonus points. And remember that your paddle gets smaller the more balls you lose. That's going to make it more difficult to score no matter how many boosts and buffs you're getting.

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Keep the colours

The balls that have changed hue are going to score you more points as you progress, so if it comes down to a choice between saving a white ball and saving a coloured ball, make sure you prioritise saving a coloured one.

Remember that the score you get for a ball increases every time that it passes through the multiplier booster. So if you're letting a coloured ball drop in favour of a white one, you're not making the most of the resourcres you've got.

The double bounce

Sometimes balls fall too close to the far edge of the screen to bounce them into the funnel. This means you're going to have to do a double bounce. Catch them before they fall the first time, then move to the right and nudge them into the funnel.

If a large stream of balls starts falling when you're in the middle of a double bounce, and you're in the wrong place to stop them dropping below the paddle, then it's worth abandoning the single ball to capture as many of the others as you can.