The Thursday Find, our favourite game of the week - Time Recoil

By , on October 19, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 4 months ago

Oh look it's Thursday again. I know I said things were going to change around here last week, but I've decided some things are better staying the way they are. At least for the time being anyway. But don't get too attached to anything, destruction is the nature of the universe.

All of that means that we're going to do another Thursday Find. That's when we write about one game that you definitely should be playing this week. It was hard picking just one, but I think I've spotted an under-appreciated doozy that's going to make you go “oh, thanks for finding us that under-appreciated doozy, Harry.”

As usual you can click on the emboldened name of the game below to download it from the App Store. And if you've got your own suggestions for a Thursday Find, feel free to share them with the class by adding them to the comments down there at the bottom of this excellent content.

Time Recoil

This one has been out on various other consoles and gaming devices for a while now, but it's just landed on the App Store and it's pretty damn good. If you like twin-stick shooters you're going to lap it up.

Bear in mind though that this is a twin-stick shooter with a twist. Namely that there's only one stick. And when you shoot people you slow down time. Oh, and if you kill enough people you'll unlock special moves that can literally destroy walls.

There's a story about time travelling super heroes bubbling on under everything, but you won't pay that much attention to it. Instead you're going to be barging through the levels, grinning from ear to ear at the fact someone managed to implement a bullet-time mechanism into a top down shooter.

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The levels play out a little like puzzles. You need to work out how to kill all of the bad guys, unlock the right special moves, and generally get to the end of the challenge looking as cool as possible. That last bit isn't mandatory though, it just makes things more fun.

Don't go thinking this is a walk in the park though. You're going to die a lot while you get to grips with what's going on here. When things start to click though you're going to be having the time of your violent, murdery life.

There are a few niggles with the controls, but don't let that put you off. This is still one of the most original shooters to hit the App Store in a good long while, and it's well worth putting some of your precious time into.