The 5 games you need to play on your Black Friday iPhone and iPad purchases

By , on November 20, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 3 months ago

Well, it's that week again. Black Friday is almost upon us, and that can only mean one thing - deals, deals, deals. But this isn't DealSpy, that's a completely different website. This is AppSpy, so I thought we'd start off the week by looking at the games you should be grabbing on the swanky new iPhone you're going to try and get cheap over the next few days.

We're specifically looking at games that are really going to shine on your new phone or tablet. The sort of thing you're going to whip out to show your mum to justify the price you just spent on, what is essentially, a few bits of glass, plastic, and metal.

You can click on the emboldened names of the games to download them from the App Store. And if you've got your own suggestions about what people should be sticking on their shiny new device, feel free to stick them in the comments down at the bottom of the article.

Infinity Blade 3

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It might not be the newest game on this list, but Infinity Blade 3 is still incredibly good looking. Powered by the Unreal Engine, you could say that it puts the gameplay on the back foot just to let the pixels shine. That'd be a bit unfair though. This is a wonderful hacky slashy RPG that fits perfectly in your pocket.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Warhammer 40,000: Freeblade

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A game where you control a giant stomping death robot that's controlled by a corpse? Yeah that's probably the most 40K sounding thing ever. Throw in the fact that it looks absolutely stunning, so long as you're a fan of greys, browns, and huge gouts of gross blood. You'll never get to pilot a giant robot in real life either, so why not give it a go here?

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Monument Valley 2

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It isn't just incredible looking, Monument Valley 2 is one of the finest playing games available on the App Store. An ethereal puzzler with an art style to boot, you'll want to push through everything the game has to offer in one sitting. And trust me, you're going to love every single glorious second of it.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here


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A wonderful driving game that really lets you get into the nitty gritty of driving a car. Plus those cars look absolutely incredible. I mean seriously, sometimes you're going to try and get into them, that's how good they look. Okay that might not be true, but if you love driving games that look spectacular, you're going to want this one.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

The Banner Saga 2

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A deep and strangely sad strategy RPG full of difficult choices. The graphics look like they have been lifted from a classic cartoon. On top of that, there's an awful lot of fun to be had here. It's tough, it's exciting, and you're going to want to play it more than once.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here