The best mobile gaming videos of the week from AppSpy's YouTube channel

By , on August 31, 2018
Last modified 6 years, 5 months ago

It's the end of another week and, thanks to a beautiful bank holiday Monday here in the UK, it probably feels a little shorter than normal. Well, I guess that's because it was shorter than normal… because we were all enjoying an extra day of R&R.

Like last week, Friday's a great time to take a look back at the past few days and see what's been going on over at AppSpy's YouTube channel.

Don't worry I won't waffle on too much. If you've been umm-ing and ahh-ing about whether to subscribe, I'd suggest doing so. James does have the voice of a gruff, grizzy angel after all.

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Donut County review

If you're not so sure about whether it's worth picking it up for £4.99/$4.99 on iOS, check out this review for a good look at the gameplay and for some delightful words on the matter.

Personally, it takes a lot nowadays for me to fall in love with a mobile game, but Donut County is genuinely one of the most daft, enjoyable titles I've played in a long while. Not only visually striking, it's so smooth and easy to navigate and a delight to play.

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Powerless hands-on

A couple of weeks back, the narrative text-based adventure, Powerless, launched on the App Store. You'll play through a desolate landscape devastated after a solar event wiped out all of Earth's electrical power, and experience the story as one of many characters.

Though the story's trying to be quite clever, it does have a few iffy moments as is pointed out. Take a watch of the hands-on and see if you'll get swept up in the narrative.

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Final Frontier hands-on

Our final video of the week is a hands-on with the newly-released iOS game, Final Frontier. While this does lean heavily on Reigns' gameplay style, it's a Sci-Fi adventure where you've got a bunch of situations to manage.

However, can it stand on its own two feet, or is it a little too familiar? Have a watch and decide for yourself.