The best mobile gaming videos from AppSpy's YouTube channel: September 6th

By , on September 6, 2018
Last modified 6 years, 5 months ago

Another week is almost over and now's a brilliant time to take a look back at the past several days. I know I've been writing this round-up up on a Friday, but I figured there's no harm in doing it a day early.

Why? James has been busy at work creating more fantastic content for you over on AppSpy's YouTube channel and I just can't wait to share it with you.

Maybe you've seen it, maybe you haven't, but I'd highly recommend having a watch of what we've got in store. We're rich in reviews this week, but card game-lovers will definitely want to stick around to read what's been going on.

QUARTO review

Board game enthusiasts, you should really check this review out. It's only a couple of minutes long and you might fancy investing in a new digi-board game for your collection.

Where some digital board games feel a little tough to wrap your head around without sinking in a few hours, QUARTO is deep and easily understandable for the average player. It's a bit like chess and Connect 4 with simple rules. You've got 'wooden' counters to play with, all of which have various attributes.

Short, tall, square, round, light, dark, it's all about connecting four counters together based on their attributes. Sounds simple, but you may find it trickier to beat your opponent than you originally think.

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Hungry Dragon review

If you've not had a go with Hungry Dragon yet, I'd highly recommend doing so. No, it's not a deep experience, but it is pretty fun and is a seriously decent time waster. Hungry Dragon sends you on a total, if not worryingly fun, rampage as you head off eating, burning, and crashing through everything in your way.

That's a simple way to put it at least. During your play you'll have to collect coins, earn XP, explore vast areas, and upgrade your dragons to take on bigger prey.

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Valleys Between review

Don't let the beautiful aesthetic of Valleys Between fool you, this puzzler's all about using your head to keep your world from falling apart. This never-ending garden-building puzzler will see you work through the very beginning of time where forests and lakes rule, all the way through poisonous power stations, forest fires, and more.

Remember to trust your animal pals while playing as they're the only thing standing between all that's bad about the world and balance.

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5 best fantasy card games

Oooch, if there's one thing I love on mobile it's a cracking card game, especially when it's got a heavy fantasy element to it. Whether you're in the market for investing in a premium title or fancy picking up an excellent free-to-play game, these are an absolute must have. I could tell you what the five are, but what would be the point in that?

James sounds better than me anyway. What? You can't hear me? Oh, I forgot I was typing, not talking.

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Star Trek Trexels 2 review

Cor, it's been a minute since the original Star Trek Trexels came about, but is this a sequel worth waiting for? Ultimately, you'll have to decide for yourself whether you're having fun with the game or not.

Saying that, James makes some very good points and – er – I wouldn't say he enjoyed his time with it.

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