Here's what you missed last week on Pocket Gamer's YouTube channel

By , on November 27, 2018
Last modified 6 years, 2 months ago

Hello and happy Tuesday, one and all. It's been a minute since I last blathered on here on AppSpy and figured it might be a good idea to catch you guys up on what our/Pocket Gamer's YouTube channel had been up to last week.

Since it was a flurry of Thanksgiving and Black Friday sales, it was pretty busy over on Pocket Gamer last week, so sorry about my absence. Good ol' James has had you well covered though with a variety of videos for your viewing pleasure.

Bill and Ted's Wyld Stallyns

You might have seen this game creep out a couple of weeks back, but now that James has gotten his hands on it you can see what it's like up-close and personal. Er, we wish we could tell you that it's the greatest game you'll play this year, but we mustn't lie.

As you'll see in the video, there are some strong opinions about it (and on Pocket Gamer's official review) and even if you love the IP, you'll have trouble loving this one.

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Sky Gamblers – Storm Raiders 2

If you're rather keen on combat games, particularly aerial-based ones, we're pretty sure you'll have a ball with this. Sky Gamblers is a nicely polished, generous port that feels right at home on touchscreen.

It's not just one or two things that makes the experience worth having, no, everything in the game is just about brilliant. There are also some tidy multiplayer modes which are awfully good fun all in all.

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Black Paradox

Despite its somewhat 'retro' appearance, Black Paradox is a considerably modern experience with classic vibes. With a rather striking and chunky pixelated art-style and 16-bit era soundtrack, there's a lot more to take in here.

Playing as a deadly bounty hunter with one of the coolest names in history, you're basically controlling your ships, blasting your enemies, and trying not to die in the process. You'll know what you're getting if you know your way around a sh'mup, but you'll not be left wanting.

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Kingdom Rush Vengeance

If you're familiar with Kingdom Rush games, you'll not need much of an introduction to Vengeance. Unlike some titles, the devs trust you enough to just throw you a couple of pointers in a quick tutorial and leave you to get on with it.

Unlike the previous games, however, you're now on the bad guys' side, fighting against the characters you fought for in the original series. Plot twist! As I'm sure you know, the game's all about figuring out the best places to pop your towers to stave off the attack on your base, and it's not going to be an easy ride.

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