The 3 best games that came out for iPhone and iPad in December 2018

By , on January 3, 2019
Last modified 6 years ago

It might seem like it happened about a thousand years ago, but December is actually only three days dead. Which means it's time for us to take a quick look back at the very best games that came out in the twilight month of 2018.

If you think we've missed anything out (we probably have, since there's only three games on the list), then make sure you let us know in the comments section at the bottom of the article.

Command and Conquer: Rivals

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It was a pretty big surprise when this came out and it wasn't terrible. It was an even bigger surprised when it turned out to be one of the best midcore MOBAs of the year. It's got some neat ideas, it's well balanced, and the violence it offers is far deeper than most of the other games in the genre.

Click here to download Command and Conquer: Rivals for iOS

7 Billion Humans

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A wonderful puzzle game that teaches you how to code while also letting you take control of the machinations of loads and loads of tiny people - hence the name. There's a depth here that most other puzzlers on the App Store can only dream of, and a cheeriness that keeps you from pulling too much of your hair out.

Click here to download 7 Billion Humans for iOS

Star Trek: Fleet Command

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It'd be wrong to say that this is a game just for Trekkies - it's a really interesting 4X experience in its own right - but the extra ST trappings are going to be the icing on the cake for some people. It's a tasty and filling cake as well, with some great graphics and new ideas that it threads through its free to play systems.

Click here to download Star Trek: Fleet Command for iOS