Our pick of the top iPhone and iPad game of the week - Alien: Blackout

By , on January 24, 2019
Last modified 6 years, 1 month ago

Every week here at AppSpy we like to pick one game that's come out over the past seven days that we think you should be playing. And that's exactly what we're doing here - telling you that if you're only going to play one game this week you should probably make it Alien: Blackout.

The game is set in the same universe as all of the other Alien games, and sees you playing Ripley's daughter. This time you're trapped on a terrifying space station that's been overrun by the awful xenomorphs. You need to guide a team through the corridors and keep them safe.

It's sort of like Five Nights at Freddy's, but instead of horrifying animatronic animals, sleak extraterrestrial killing machines are the order of the day. You need to watch cameras, open and close doors, and try to make sure that you don't leave the creature alone with the crew. Because it will definitely murder them.

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There's a neat sense of connection to the rest of the franchise here - you're playing the same character from Alien: Isolation, and the aesthetic here is stripped straight from the blinking screens of the original Ridley Scott game.

So it's sort of like playing a CCTV version of Alien on your phone. And, quite frankly, when you put it like that, it sounds like it could be really special. There are a few issues here, for sure, but this is way more than the cheap cash-in that it could have been. Which is good, since it's going to cost you $4.99 to pick it up.

If that's something you'd like to do, you can click here to be taken to the App Store where you can chuck your money down. We'd recommend watching the video review we've posted in the story first though. There's a chance that Alien: Blackout might not be for you, and we'd hate it if you put some money down and didn't like what you found.