One to watch - Immortal Rogue is coming out for iPhone and iPad this week

By , on February 19, 2019
Last modified 6 years ago

Finding a roguelike that does things even slightly differently these days is a nice surprise. Especially if you find one that works brilliantly on mobile, and just wouldn't have the same snap and pop if it was on any other platform. Which is why we're super excited that Immortal Rogue is coming out this week for iPhone and iPad.

The game is controlled with swipes and presses, and sees you controlling a vampire. While you can die, you'll resurrect eventually, hence where the roguelike concepts come in. You'll lose some of the upgrades you've unlocked, but any you pay for in blood (ooooh spooky), you'll keep.

This is definitely an action-oriented experience. The violence is slick and crisp, and while the controls do take a little bit of getting used to, we reckon when they click you're going to be having a brilliant old time murdering everything that looks at you funny and grabbing as much loot as you can.

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The controls certainly have the potential to become a little fiddly, but even so, this is still one of the most exciting games we've spotted over the first few weeks of 2019. This one's an indie game too, so you have to respect the work that's been put in to make something that, potentially, could be really special.

There are some other interesting games coming out this week, but this is the one that's got our interest up the most. There's a chance it could be the sleeper hit of the year, and we want to make sure that you're in on the ground floor.

Immortal Rogue is set to come out later this week - make sure you keep an eye on our video channel (you could even subscribe by clicking here), because we'll have a review up once it lands. In the meantime though, check out that trailer and think about how much fun you're going to have with this one.