Our pick of the top iPhone and iPad game of the week - Scorcher

By , on March 7, 2019
Last modified 5 years, 11 months ago

Every week here at AppSpy we like to pick one game that came out over the last seven days that we think you should definitely be playing. And this week is no different, because we're creatures of habit. We've picked Scorcher this week, and now we're going to tell you why.

The game is the latest release from Radiangames, and it's been a while coming. If you're a fan of the dev you'll know some of what to expect here - fast gameplay, a unique style, and a pretty high level of challenge. But there are some twists to the Radian-formula here that you're also going to love.

Essentially the game is a one-finger racer. You're controlling a ship that's pelting down a canyon. Hit the side of that canyon twice and you die. There are other little critters skittering around in front of you, and you need to collect them. They unlock other parts of the game, and when you've taken a hit you can recharge your shield by gobbling up enough of them.

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This isn't an easy game, and you're going to bash against it multiple times until everything starts to make sense. When it does though, and you're flashing through narrow terrain with perfect twitchy precision, it's going to be difficult to wipe the smile off your face.

There are arcade sensibilities here, all wrapped up in a perfectly sized mobile package. This is the sort of game you can smash at for a few minutes or for a few hours. There's a slight lack of progression here that does spoil things a little, but not so much that you're going to be furious.

If any of that has piqued your interest, which we really hope that it has, then you can click right here to download the game from the App Store. And don't forget to click here to find out what we thought the best game that came out last week was. Oh, and do let us know what you think of Scorcher in the comments section just below here - we're really interested in your opinion, honest.