Distraint 2 is a truly great mobile horror game

By , on April 29, 2019
Last modified 5 years, 7 months ago

Genuinely great horror games on mobile are typically few and far between, so it’s absolutely cause for celebration when a title as sharp and unnerving as Distraint 2 comes along.

The original Distraint launched for iOS back in 2017, gaining praise for its tight control of tone and absorbing exploration of guilt. Thematically, it was a challenging game, forcing players to confront the widespread impact of their own struggles to make ends meet in a system that allows for the constant and easy dehumanisation of others.

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The sequel continues to follow this thematic line of questioning, expanding it in ways that surprise and disturb in equal measure. It retains the grim aesthetic of the original – all swollen heads and shadowy corners – while further honing the logic-based puzzling at the heart of the series.

There be monsters here, of course, but the focus is placed firmly on establishing a mounting atmosphere of otherworldly dread, and it positively soars in the moments when its narrative drip-feed exposes yet another horrendous happening. It’s also a concise, focused vision, uninhibited by laboured controls or a reliance on archaic, illogical logic puzzles.

If you’re on the hunt for horror, you could do a whole lot worse than Distraint 2. So check this one out on the App Store or Google Play now.