Friday News Wrap-Up 25 January 2013

By , on January 25, 2013
Last modified 12 years ago

This weekend marks a long-weekend for those of us living in Australia as we celebrate our national day - as such, I'm sorry to say, but Monday will be a slow day. Still, we've got plenty to share right now, so lets hop to the Friday News Wrap-Up for the 25th of January, 2013.

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Star Command - If Kairosoft and Subset Games had a baby...

If you haven't been following the development of War Balloon's Star Command, then I highly recommend you start now. With the game's release on the horizon (sadly a January release is likely out of the question), strategy and management sim fans are going to have their hands full. It looks like a fun cross-breed between a Kairosoft title and FTL, and given the great customer feedback from the developer on forums and their social media sites, I expect great things.

Endless Boss Fight - Testing tools turn out to be fun!

White Milk Games sort of stumbled in to their upcoming title, Endless Boss Fight by attempting to test their development tools. The game was somewhat of a toy, but they saw merit behind the idea and have fleshed it out in to an Arcade Highscore game. Given the popularity of Punch Quest, I can see this concept working out really well - you know you'll lose, but doing as much damage as you can before you go down almost always ends up being fun. Endless Boss Fight should be out in February.

Table Top Racing - More 'Kart' action to look forward to

There's something to be said of the old 'Kart' racing formula - winning is fun, but more often than not it's the racing itself that proves to be far more entertaining. Table Top Racing by Playrise aims to bring a mix of Micro Machines and Mario Kart to the... er... table, along with 8 tracks and 10 cars to play with. If the heritage of the developer proves to be any indicator, it should be a gorgeous and high-impact game if nothing else.

Dead Trigger 2 - A series as tenacious as its subject matter

I must admit, aside from the game engine's visual appeal, Dead Trigger never managed to push my buttons. Though, despite the (initially) repetitious and vanilla gameplay, Madfinger's free to play shooter has been successful - enough so that we have a sequel to look forward to. With any luck the game will pack in some juicy content - the boss fight highlighted in the screenshots gives me hope.

Pick of the Week: Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes (Ubisoft / Tag Games / Capybara Games) $4.99 Univ.

While I hate to hand the pick of the week to something that has just been released, I can't help but feel that Clash of Heroes is hands-down a must-play for those who don't already own it on their DS, PC or home console. With the combat being broken up in to bite-sized chunks and each campaign offering new heroes and creatures to master, it's a hard game to leave unfinished. And did I mention it has multiplayer? For such a great puzzle-strategy title, this is an absolute steal.

That's it for this week, but we aim to have even more content for you to sink your teeth in to next week. Enjoy your weekend and peace-out until Tuesday!

Additional Links:
Endless Boss Fight Trailer -
Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes Review -