Friday News Wrap-Up 1 February 2013

By , on February 1, 2013
Last modified 12 years ago

Two Wrap-Ups in a row? Can this possibly be? Yes! This is the Friday News Wrap-Up for the 1st of February, 2013!

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Year Walk - Simogo wants you to put your spooky riddle hat on

Despite Simogo's usually upbeat candor, their upcoming title Year Walk defies the tone of previous releases thanks to its muted, darker presentation. What can we look forward to when it drops later in February? From all the hints it's likely the game will be an adventure of sorts, though that doesn't really sum things up properly as it is slated to feature a range of gameplay elements and mechanics that are hard to explain in a bite-sized presentation. The game is said to be packed with secrets - many of which people may not ever get - so consider me thoroughly intrigued!

VVVVVV - Cavanagh is testing the iOS waters

It's not as though we haven't seen Terry Cavanagh's hand on the iOS platform already - his release of Super Hexagon is one of AppSpy's top games for 2012. With that said, VVVVVV garnered a lot of attention when it was released and I had always secretly hoped it would receive a port. After a recent tweet from Terry, it's all but confirmed that my wish has been granted. More news when it's official.

Blitz Brigade - A familiar multiplayer shooter

No, you're not looking at Valve finally taking a serious plunge on to the App Store... Rather it's Gameloft's latest effort at spinning franchises we know (and love) to pull in the mobile gamer crowd. I may sound bitter, but I think I'd like to see how a Team Fortress 2 come Battlefield mash-up feels like on mobile devices. Gameloft has teased the title by saying it will be released 'soon'.

PSA: Gridlee - A MAME emulator by any other name...

Lets not beat around the bush - I'm letting you in on this because those of you who choose to not jailbreak their iDevices rarely get opportunities to emulate classic Arcade titles on the beast of a smartphone you're using. Gridlee is free and once installed all you need to do is copy your legally acquired ROM backups of the Arcade games you love to the ROM folder where Gridlee is installed. I apologize for the vagaries, but Google has a wealth of information to help you out.

Pick of the Week - Little Inferno (Experimental Gameplay Group) $4.99 iPad only

My apologies to those of you who do not own an iPad capable of playing this title, but without a doubt this wolf-in-sheep's clothing (yes, I meant to say that) is just what the platform needed. Our full review will be up shortly, but for now take our word for it... if you don't already own it, this is well worth the time and money.

I'll be back again shortly with our Little Inferno review. Until then why don't you help to spread the word of AppSpy - hit us up on Twitter, Facebook or best of all, sign up and join the chatter over on Have a great weekend!

Additional Links:
Gridlee -
Blitz Brigade Teaser Trailer -
Year Walk Season's Greetings -
VVVVVV iOS confirmation Tweet? -
Little Inferno Review -