Friday News Wrap-Up 22 March 2013

By , on March 22, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 10 months ago

With Easter just around the corner, I'm sure you're keen to know what's in store... well we have that and more in the Friday News Wrap-Up for the 22nd of March, 2013. So, let's dive in!


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Dropchord - Double Fine Drops The Mic

A few weeks back the boffins at Double Fine Productions let the world know about their upcoming rhythm title 'Dropchord'. While the game is aimed primarily at a release on the PC using the 'Leap Motion Controller', Double Fine also said it will be hitting touch screen devices as well. Aside from that it's anyone's guess how this game will play, so all we can do is wait for the iOS release!

Fez - 'Highly Probable' For iOS

Phil Fish, the brains behind Fez recently participated in an 'Ask Me Anything' over on Reddit. Of course there were many interesting questions and answers, but the most interesting (at least for us) was that he dubbed an iOS version as being 'highly probable'. Considering he has previously stated that he intends to make Fez available for more platforms, lets take it as a very good sign for the future.

Magic 2014 - The Inevitable Yearly Announcement

Yawn if you must, but I look forward to the expansion of the Magic the Gathering universe, especially when I can sink my teeth in to a portable version like 2013's iPad release. Magic 2014 is set to hit multiple platforms, iPad included once again, and if you happen to be at PAX East you can check it out for yourself.

Final Fantasy V - On iOS In Japan Soon, With US Hopefully To Follow

Considering FFI-IV have made their way to the iOS platform already, it shouldn't be a surprise to hear that Square Enix are bringing FFV to the App Store as well. So far a Japanese version is the only confirmed release, but let's not beat around the bush... after their recent fiasco with All The Bravest, they need something solid to sell and a $19 re-release sounds about up their alley right now. That said, if you want the previous titles, they're currently on sale, so hit up the App Store as soon as possible.

Mini-review - Pug Run (Tic Toc Games) 1.0 $0.99 Univ

I love pugs. There's nothing strange about that; many people love pugs and I happen to wear it on my sleeve. Their derpy eyes, their inability to breathe properly, their innate clumsy nature... what's not to love? So I empathize with the boy in Pug Run who is denied owning a puppy, and in his frustration he draws comic after comic of him and his dream 'best friend'. That's where you come in: The pug is brought to life, if only temporarily and through tapping to sprint, and swiping to jump and slide, you'll help the dog to navigate hazards while avoiding the dream-crushing cloud of reality chasing after him. The game's absolutely beautiful too, with animations that show true attention to detail in the pug's movements, up to and including the way he can tumble down the side of a hill. Unfortunately there's just no meat on Pug Run's bones. You can run and run, and upgrade power-ups if you must, but it's the same old endless formula we've seen too many times already. Still, if the cute theme catches your eye (as it did mine), then you'll be able to while away the spare minutes of your day mindlessly, but not satisfyingly.

Pick of the week - Fetch (Big Fish Games) $4.99 iPad Only

Busy, fun, cartoonish, colorful, heart-warming, clever, and constantly surprising. All of these make Fetch a wonderful game for children and the young at heart. So often we get caught up in the need to distract ourselves with 'hardcore' titles or games that push the envelope without actually doing anything interesting that we forget there are simple pleasures to enjoy while playing a game. Fetch is one of these pleasures and a must have for iPad owners with kids.

We've got so much more to review this week than we have had in the last month or so, so expect us to be busy over the coming week. Of course that means more great reviews to check out, so stay tuned and keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook feeds to keep up to date. Have a great weekend!

Additional Links:
Phil Fish AMA -
Fetch Review -
Pug Run Review -