Call of Duty: Strike Team | Hands-On

By , on September 6, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 4 months ago

So we got a bit of a surprise when we signed into the App Store this morning.

Rather than the usual landslide of free-to-play endless-runners, what should pop up on our screens but a brand new - and hitherto unannounced - Call of Duty game.

I know right.

It's called Call of Duty: Strike Team, and it's a CoD game with a difference. Rather than plumping for another 15 levels of military-themed first-person mayhem, Leeds-based studio Blast Furnace has created a game which is part FPS, part third-person strategy game.

What does such a game look like, you ask? Well, just check out the video below to see me talk you through the first 15 minutes of Call of Duty: Strike Team. It's Call of Duty, but not as you know it. I'll leave it to you to determine whether that's a good thing or not.

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App Store link: Call of Duty: Strike Team. (£4.99 / $6.99)